Monday, November 30, 2009

Under the Weather Dinner or No More Turkey

I have not been feeling well for the past week.  A nasty cough with some congestion really slowed me down for the long Thanksgiving weekend. I am so ready for this illness thing to be over!

So yesterday, while surfing the net between plays during the Colts-Texans game, I discovered this article, "Study: Antibacterial spices explain why some like it hot." About 5 paragraphs in, the author identified the spices most effective in fighting bacteria. They included garlic, onions, and chilies. Sounds like Cajun cuisine to me!

I wanted something fairly easy, fairly quick, and VERY spicy. My first thought: Shrimp Creole.

1. I chopped some onion, celery, garlic and mushrooms:

      2. Then I cooked these down in butter

      3. When it looked like this:

           I added a can of these:

      4. Added these spices:

      5. I cooked this mixture for about 20 minutes til it looked like this:

      5. Added a pound of shrimp:

      6. Served it up over some rice.


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