Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Ant Wars - Woe to the Weak Willed

From Lincoln, Nebraska a news story was published today that provides some advice for homeowners struggling with ant infestations. The reporter and the "expert" she consulted are clearly people without the vision and tenacity to actually win this war.

At the conclusion of Barb the ant expert's recommendations, her (not-so) encouraging advice is, "good luck." The tenor of the article is clearly not the supportive and encouraging "good luck," but the you-don't-have-a-snowball's-chance-in-hell kind of "good luck."

To these nay-sayers I reply, "Man up!" As I have clearly demonstrated in my battles with the ants, it is possible to win this war or at least reach a sort of rapprochement. There will be days when the cause seems hopeless. You may feel there is no chance at victory. But consistent, concerted, multi-dimensional attack plan will result in victory.
For all those struggling in their war with the ants, have faith, be strong, and you will be victorious.

Not like those defeatist Cornhuskers. It's no wonder their football team sucks.

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