Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rock Shopping

As part of our back yard renovation project, Sue and I decided to go to the local Rocks'r'Us. We decided to meet up there during my lunch break yesterday. She arrived with my oldest son in tow. (There's a whole other story about that, let's just leave it as a lesson in anger management.)

The place we went had different rock everywhere. Red rocks, brown rocks, beige rocks, grey rocks, black rocks, even some pink rocks. They came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, flat pieces, rectangles, boulders large and small, gravel, etc.

After walking around the acres of rock displays, it became apparent that this is going to be a difficult job. As Sue had an OCD moment, I went into the sales office to get pricing and delivery information. It turns out they do design and construction, too.

The guy is suppossed to call me today to set up a time to come take a look at what we've got to deal with. Maybe he can help out with the ants, too.

This video has nothing to do with our patio project except that it has the word rock in it and for some reason I made the association.

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