There is a flood going on in Pakistan right now. That flood is one of the worst that nation has experienced in years. Images from this once-in-a-lifetime flood are plastered across the Internet. Many of those images reveal the dire situation the people of Pakistan face. From people gathering at food distribution vans, children crying, young men saving what food they can from their small farms, women holding onto their children with fear in their eyes. But there is one image from which I find inspiration.
This man, carrying two children. I see no sense of despair in the contours of his face. I can't discern a single ounce of helplessness in his eyes. What I see is a certain sense of determination. Not determination to overcome insurmountable odds, but determination that the events surrounding him will have no effect on his psyche. He is just doing what he must do and he has the confidence to complete his task.
I am reminded of a Zen proverb: "After enlightenment, the laundry."